Friday, October 31, 2014

Brainstorming (10/30-31)

Multiple Group Brainstorm
We met with our pair group and began to brainstorm broad categories that interested us. We also tried using leading questions like "wouldn't it be great if..." to help generate problem areas and opportunities.

Single Group Brainstorm
We began our group brainstorming session by identifying 5 broad categories that we are interested in brainstorming concepts further":
  • Scenario influence on presentation of information
  • Integrating social network 
  • Customize consumer experience based on their background/history
  • Matchmaking 
  • Reviews

We then brainstormed concepts/ideas individually to produce as many different ideas as possible (trying to reach the 50 benchmark). Once we felt we had generated enough concepts, we came back together and presented ideas for each broad category, placing sticky note concepts under each category.

Once all of our concepts were organized, we went back through each category and reviewed our ideas to identify themes across concepts. We wrote these basic themes in red to make it easy to consider concept areas we liked most. 

"Aha Moment": We liked the idea of having a "medical adviser", someone a patient could call, explain the situation, and they would provide individualized suggestions based on what they know about this. This idea was appealing because we felt patients would trust it much more than the current search tool. We then took a step back and realized that the "medical adviser" is really the role we would like the search tool to ultimately take, but what is missing is TRUST. We then identified trust as an overarching concept that we wanted our ultimate solution to integrate into a search tool. 

6 Major Concept Areas:

1) Category: designing how search information/data is presented based on the patient's situation

a. Start search by identifying situation, timeframe, etc. (generate search results)
b. Allow real-time re-ordering of search results based on patient's identified priority of care attributes (prioritizing search results)

2) Category: Integrating social network into search tool

a) Physicians in search results can have a badge indicating whether someone in your extended network (possibly via facebook) had used that doctor, provides way to reach out to them for more detailed feedback. (Irene)

b) Another way is to identify the situation and then generate connections in the social network from that, provide patient the option to connect with people.

3) Category: Reviews

Creating a review structure so that there becomes a consistent format of reviews to help consumers compare information, and also to ensure more rich information provided by reviews. Also would mitigate extreme reviews.

4) Category: reviews/data

Minimize information overload by only showing critical info up front, allow users to dig if they want to

5) Category: Reviews

Review input is abstract, paragraph style. System output (that consumers sees) is based on keywords

6) Category: Reviews (Irene)

Understanding reviewer background, compare to consumer preferences. Identify patterns in reviewer's review history. Prioritize reviewer's feedback based on shared values with the consumer. 

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