Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Heuristic Evaluation (11/4-5)

1) 3-5 desired experience and goals
2) Why is that important to the problem space
3) Example that do it well

1. Personalization
-created when consumers get the sense that the tool understands them, what they care about, and what their situation is, and thus the information is relevant to them. Users can trust that the tool understands their context, and also making the consumer feel that the tool is fully helping serve their needs.

Example:  Spotify

2. Privacy
As a tool integrates a more full understanding of a given user's context, privacy becomes a more relevant priority. A sense of privacy is achieved when consumers feel that information supplied to a tool is secure and won't be shared with anyone they don't want.

Example:  banking tools

3. Simplicity
The process of using the tool is straightforward such that it is easy to use for a wide range of users. The tool provides the right information at the right time.

Example: Amazon (one-click checkout)

4. Supportive
The tool goes beyond providing information by creating a support network or community. By doing this, the tool brings more emotion into the process.

Example: wearable health monitoring communities (fitbit communities for example). Specific facebook groups (those dedicated to rare diseases for example) can also provide support.

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