Monday, October 20, 2014

Affordable Care Act: Obamacare

  • about half of Americans will get insurance through their jobs like today → Not a lot will change for these people. Only some advantages will be added. The GOV will require companies with 50 or more employees to cover full time workers
  • Third will get covered by the Gov through medicaid and medicaid
  • One in ten will buy insurance themselves→ a new ways to buy health insurance→ health insurance marketplaces→ you will be able to pick how much coverage you want and how much you will pay for it
  • Just under one in ten will still have no health insurance
Based on the discussion with Permira, we will probably be focusing on those who are starting to buy their insurance through insurance marketplaces.

  • Insurance marketplaces are open once a year “ObamaCare's Health Insurance Marketplace was open until March 31st, 2014. You won't be able to purchase marketplace insurance again until November 15th.”
  • Insurance marketplaces are the only places where Americans can apply for premium health care tax credits
  • Each State has its own health insurance marketplace and each marketplace provide a different user experience
  • The different stages required to apply for insurance under the new Obamacare in Washington:

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