Sunday, October 26, 2014

Process Blog by 10/26/2014

This week we continued our secondary research by focusing on the following questions:
  • What do patients care about when they search for physicians?
  • What distinct categories of patients are there? How do their values differ when searching for doctors? 
  • How do physicians interact with current tools, what do they care about?
  • What are the shortcomings/issues associated with current physician-search tools?
  • What are the main attributes that Premera competitors are focusing on? 
  • How have the recent changes in the healthcare system altered who searches for doctors, what they care about, etc.?
  • Research the way people shop online? What rating systems/metrics are most effective? Is there research that compares the way people shop online for products versus doctors/people/services?   
We recorded our finding for each topic in separate blog posts.

To construct our research framework, we first wrote down our research topics and findings on sticky notes, and organized them on the white board. 

After we talked through all of our findings, we picked out two research topics we found extremely exciting to construct our two research framework. 

We will meet with another group next Monday to have them review our frameworks and revised problem/ opportunity/ hypothesis.

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