Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Flow Model and Others (11/23)

After we met with Linda, Karen and Irish (from Premera) yesterday, we started today by redefining our solution system. We started with Chris presenting his thoughts on how the system should work. We also considered an approach similar to dating website, but then we agreed that this approach might have more privacy concern and not quite fit our goal (although the idea of reaching out to the reviewers who are similar to you might be a nice feature to add to our solution).

Then we started constructing the flow model for our solution. We tested our flow with two scenarios we discussed before. 

Our flow model:

We decided that the next step to refine our solution would be defining the details for patients' profile (categories for lifestyle and personality) and situational values. We also started a document for final report.

Feedback from flowchart presentation:

  • We need to keep in mind that users want to see the tool working as soon as possible, they will have very little patience for filling out detailed information about themselves (for their profile) up front. 

  • Need to identify the minimum threshold for required info about the user that is necessary for the tool to work properly. Aim for this threshold as the main use-case as opposed to trying to get all the information up front. Find a good way to prompt user for information after search results are presented --> "want better results? Fill out more information about yourself in your profile..."
      • May be good to show example of the system prompting the user for more information throughout the interaction flow (when does this happen, what does it look like?)
    • Want ability to start searching without logging in, but then have the option to save any inputed settings/preferences to their profile by signing in at the end of the search process.
    • Would be good to show the parallel UX for the two main use cases: Someone who is using the tool as a guest (Have yet to sign into their premera account or fill out profile info), and someone who is signed in and has filled out their profile information.
    • It will be important to show an example of a user profile, what does it include, what does it look like, where in the process would it be edited?
    • Important to show results, how are they presented, how are they calculated?
    • Focus on the user's ability to determine how they and a given reviewer are similar. Make it clear to the user how they are matched with a reviewer/review

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